Life is just a perspective

Pankaj Sachdeva
2 min readDec 30, 2020


Life is nothing but a perspective. Does it matter if I forgot to put a comma after perspective? I don’t know. Maybe it matters to you. But I can tell you one thing for sure… and that is life is much more than words; words that come out of your mouth or the words that you type on your keyboard. And yes, I don’t know if that semicolon should have been there or not. I hope you didn’t care one bit about that. We become so involved in our thoughts and how other people think of us that we begin to lose our own thoughts.

Everybody has problems. Some express it, and some don’t. OMG, hell with this comma thing. Now, I am just going to start putting it wherever I feel like it. For example now,. I bet you have never seen a comma right next to a period. But this can be your first. Anyways, I was just trying to express that everybody has problems, some are big and some are small. Some are related to families and some are related to self. At the end, problems are problems. Life is going to have problems. That’s what life is all about. Without problems, trust me, you will be so bored of life that you’d put yourself in trouble which would cause problems. Ultimately, you’d still have problems. All I am trying to say is that having problems is not a bad thing. In fact, it is what helps you grow as a being. Without problems, you’d have problems that you wouldn’t be able to solve and which will ultimately cause more problems than the original problems did.

Again, I am going to apologize for my poor grammar and maybe poor word of choice. My goal is not to have the best written essay. I am not expecting many to understand my perspective. Maybe my perspective is wrong. Maybe it makes no sense. But isn’t that what perspective means. Isn’t perspective suppose to be our own? It is okay if it doesn’t make sense, right?

